call before you dig

Putting in a pool, fence or garden?

Planning a digging project? Call 811 before that shovel touches the ground. Otherwise, you could incur fines or cause disruptions to utility services, which could lead to injuries or worse. Kentucky law requires you to call 811 before you dig.

Should I really call?
Yes. Never make a judgment call. Keep Kentucky 811’s five easy reminders handy to keep your digging safe.

  • Planting flowers or small bushes – Many utility lines are buried a few inches below ground. You can easily hit a line from a simple garden project, like planting flowers or small shrubs.
  • Mailboxes and fences ─ Installing mailboxes and fences are examples of projects that require a call. Hitting a line can knock out service to your home and neighborhood or result in fines, damage and serious injury.
  • Digging previously marked spots ─ Erosion and root system growth can alter the depth or location of buried lines, or your utility may have installed new lines since the last time you dug — so call 811 each time.
  • Contractors and landscapers ─ Check with contractors or landscapers working on your property or in your neighborhood to ensure that they call before digging.
  • Digging in small areas ─ If you don’t want your entire yard marked, you can outline the area in white paint or white flags to ensure that only the utilities in that part of your yard will be located and marked.

Find out more with Kentucky 811’s Excavator Manual.

gardening, kentucky 811, landscaping, lg&e, safe digging
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